
Meredith journey to becoming a writer has been via the scenic route.  As a schoolgirl she wrote stories and poetry almost exclusively on the topic of horses.  When not writing, she channelled her energies into drama classes, honing her skills in eisteddfods and bit parts in the annual school plays.  She has fond memories of her role as one of the four amazons in The King and I and claims to still remember most of the words to Getting to Know You.  In Year 12, Meredith scored one of the two leading roles in the school’s production of Pride and Prejudice.  Playing the part of Darcy remains the pinnacle of her acting career and earned her a pocket for her school blazer.

Meandering off to university she majored in English Literature and Sociology with a bit of history and drama thrown in to make up the points.

Upon graduating, she announced to her parents that she was going to be a writer.  The told her not to be silly and to get a real job.  Meredith joined an insurance company intending to give it six months and ended up working there for 9 years.  Later she was quite successful as a recruiter, probably because she is a natural sticky beak and loves collecting people’s life stories.

Facing the impending birth of her third child she decided it was time to write or die wondering.  This journey has seen her write her debut novel, become a published book reviewer and a blogger.

Meredith is married to the gorgeous Paul and lives with two of their four gorgeous children on Sydney’s northern beaches.

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